Silver medal defended

In September an audit in the field of corporate social responsibility was carried out by the international auditing company EcoVadis in our printing house. And for the third time in a row, we were awarded a silver medal. Basing on the result, FINIDR is one of the leading company in
Full article 20. 9. 2021

Successful certification of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

We are very glad to inform you that our printing house FINIDR has been successfully audited and fulfilled all terms and conditions necessary for being granted a certificate according to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 in the field of polygraphy. ISO 9001 is an international norm for quality management systems,
Full article 27. 7. 2021

Young printers in action again

Students of the second grade in the high school Albrechtova střední škola in Český Těšín, printing faculty, again had a chance to get practice in our printing house after several months, during which they were not allowed to do it because of anti-epidemic measures and closure of schools. Within a
Full article 12. 7. 2021

We know nominations in the competition TMBB of the Czech Republic 2020

In the competition ‘The most beautiful books of the Czech Republic 2020’ nominations of books, that were published in the Czech publishing houses and printed in the Czech printing houses, were announced and the expert jury chose also the books which were the best in terms of their graphic, illustration
Full article 7. 7. 2021

We have a new production hall

Even this year, investments in our printing house are not taboo. Apart from our investments in innovations and technology, not only within the production, we deciced to build a new hall. The expansion of the area of ​​2500 m2 will provide us with an important and necessary production space for
Full article 22. 6. 2021

The readers’ award goes to FINIDR again!

We know the winners of this year's awards in the Magnesia Litera 2021 competition. And as in the previous years, also this time the book printed in our printing house was given an award! The Magnesia Litera is the Czech literature award that has been given each year by the
Full article 11. 6. 2021