We plant one tree for each order

Sustainable development and social responsibility are still priority issues for FINIDR. Every year, we compensate the impact on the environment by our activities. We are coming up with a new commitment for this year 2021. For each completed order this year, we will plant one new tree under the guarantee
Full article 25. 1. 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

As well as wishing you pleasant and peaceful Christmas holidays and many successes in the new year 2021. We would like to thank you for your trust and cooperation. Team of printing house FINIDR   
Full article 14. 12. 2020

We were awarded in Austria!

The expert panel selected the most beautiful books also in Austria. A total of 15 awards and 3 state prizes were given in the “Schönste Bücher Österreichs 2019” competition. The Wein in Österreich (Christian Brandstätter Verlag) title, which was printed in our plant, was chosen among the fifteen most beautiful
Full article 7. 11. 2020

Young students are gaining their first experiences

The FINIDR company has joined the program called The Program of the Internship Support for students in companies 2020, which was announced and co-financed by the Moravian-Silesian Region. The program is designed for students of the 3rd grade of the printing faculty in the Albrecht’s high school in Český Těšín.
Full article 20. 10. 2020

The DUPLEX competition knows its winners

Already the 3rd year of the DUPLEX competition has been successfully completed by students of printing departments at Albrechtová Secondary School in Český Těšín. The students had the task of photographing, graphically processing and printing their photographic works, on the topic of "Transformation by school". It brings an insight into
Full article 2. 10. 2020

Press show in FINIDR

The FINIDR printing house and the Heidelberg Prague organized a printing show in Český Těšín. This year, FINIDR was the first in Europe to invest in new Heidelberg generation machines. All the printing connoisseurs wanted to see these innovations, which were supposed to be presented at this year's Drupa in
Full article 16. 9. 2020