Permanent care of production quality and working environment is one of the points of long-term strategy of our company.
Humidification equipment, which we have installed on the production hall at the end of the second half of this year, positively affects both.
Existing humidification system installed in our production hall could not managed enough for costly plant, to guarantee the stability of the environment, so we decided to install in the production hall a new modern system of high pressure water spraying polish company WILPO sc.
The principle of this system is the spraying of water pressure of 80 atmospheres through the 250 jets, which positively affects the moisture stability of the paper and the environment acting on the quality of printing and book binding process.
Wetting side effect of improving indoor air quality by reducing dust, which has a positive effect on the airways of our employees.
Previous three months’ operation of a new humidification device showed confirming expectations – a positive impact on the quality of production, both in print and in the bindery and lowering the temperature in the production hall by about 2-3 ˚ C.