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  3. FINIDRAK 2/2024
  4. From the printing house
  5. Editorial


Dear Finidraks,

As I write this editorial, we are just after celebrating thirty years of our FINIDR printing company. The team of people who worked to prepare this birthday party can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Everything has been incredibly successful and has also been fine-tuned and thought out in minute detail. A really big thank you to the whole team that prepared the event. I hope you enjoyed the party and celebrated our round anniversary properly.

However, it was not the only event we prepared during this period. A week before the company party we celebrated our anniversary with our customers in Prague. At the same time, we attended the DRUPA trade fair during this month, actively participated in the Duplex competition and also took part in many side events related to the anniversary.  I would like to thank all the organizing teams for ensuring the success of the events and the energy they put into the preparation and execution.

At the same time, of course, we continue to work hard to produce books for our customers. We are successful and our customers are happy with us. We will do everything we can to keep it that way. After the holidays, we have the Christmas market to look forward to again, and we are doing a lot of things together to make it a success and meet our customers’ expectations.

The summer season is upon us and with it the time for a well-deserved holiday. I wish us to recharge, relax and enjoy our days off with our loved ones so that we can enter the upcoming Christmas season feeling positive and full of energy.

Have a great summer!

Yours Jarek Drahoš