Text: Michal Broda
The year 2022 was marked by revenue growth, starting from the first months. This was partly due to the rise in input prices, with the price of paper rising by almost a third year-on-year. At the same time, for the first time in FINIDR’s history, we set a record for the number of books produced in the first half of the year, rather than in the Christmas market as in previous years. This gave us a very good foundation in the first half of the year. And that was fortunate, because in the second half of the year a lot of publishers stepped on the brake and the number of orders slowly started to decline. After a long time, we closed down after the first half of December and took a well-deserved holiday. This also led to a decline in the overall result of our printing business, especially in December, and the resulting profitability of the company declined compared to 2021, even though FINIDR’s sales for 2022 climbed to over CZK 1.7 billion.
The number of printed titles was 16.4% higher than the previous year, and our average print run increased slightly by about 100 pieces per order and exceeded 2,500 pieces. For the full year 2022, we produced nearly 34 million books, an increase in production of 20.9%. In terms of the number of books, we produced the most books ever in 2022 – both in number of titles and total units produced.
Just like last year, thanks are due to all of you who actively contribute to this result with your honest and responsible work in our print shop, either directly or in cooperation.
The year 2023 is just getting underway and so far in the first quarter we see a slight decline from the previous year. However, we believe that 2023 will be close to a standard print season, also thanks to the abundance of paper already on the market, and that we will have more work again in the second half of the year.