Sales Department and Customer Service
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Ing. Andrea Fischerová
Customer service

Mgr. Pavlína Ciencialová
Customer service

Bc. Gabriela Martynková
Customer service

Bc. Kristýna Tvrdoňová
Customer service

Company Management
Ing. Jaroslav Drahoš
CEO and owner of the company

Ing. Jaroslav Drahoš
CEO and owner of the company

Mgr. Miroslav Klos
Sales & Financial Director
Public Relations

Ing. Kateřina Misiarzová
Assistant to the CEO

Other departments
+420 558 772 233
Human Resources
+420 558 772 220 / 263 / 243
+420 558 772 289
+420 558 772 275
+420 558 772 251
+420 558 772 223
Input production technology
+420 558 772 210
Finance and economics
+420 558 772 218 / 219 /292
+420 558 772 147
Where you find us
FINIDR, s.r.o.
Lípová 1965737 01 Český Těšín
Czech Republic
IČO: 607 78 172
DIČ: CZ607 78 172
Company entered in the commercial register kept by the Regional Court in Ostrava, section C, entry 6749
tel.: +420 558 772 111
fax: +420 558 772 221
Request form
You needn’t use the contact form to order your books.
We’ll be pleased to handle your order by phone or email.